Spellling Mazy Fly
Spellling Mazy Fly

SOURCE: Sacred Bones
Mazy Fly, the second full-length by the Bay Area artist SPELLLING, explores the tension between the thrill of exploring the unknown and the terror of imminent destruction. Chrystia Cabral spent the summer of 2018 in her Berkeley studio reflecting on the thresholds of human progress and longing for a new and better tomorrow. She was struck by the way the same technologies that have given humans the ability to achieve utopian dreams of discovery have also brought the world to the precipice of dystopic global devastation. Despite the darkness of this reality, Mazy Fly is defiantly optimistic. It is a celestial voyage into the unknown, piloted by Cabral.


Limited Edition Version: Edition of 200 hand-numbered copies, comes with an alternate screen printed, wrap-around sleeve, wax sealed LP pressed on blue vinyl, and available by mail-order only. ONE PER PERSON LIMIT.

Sacred Bones Record Society version: Edition of 150 hand-numbered copies, comes with an alternate screen printed, wrap-around sleeve, wax sealed LP pressed on Society-exclusive black-and-white marble vinyl and with Society-exclusive mixed tape, and available by mail-order only. ENROLL HERE.

Theese two special limited versions are available through the official Sacred Bones website

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