Every day we select for you three record stores from around the world. Our growing online community makes this possible. In this list, you will find the best record stores in Moscow submitted by our friends.

Explore it and tell us if you think there is any record store missing. Let us know in the comments.

Звуковой Барьер

Звуковой Барьер

This shop offers all kinds of second-hand vinyl records – LP, EP etc.


“DiG is a record store located in the center of Moscow. Here you can find quality vinyl records at the right price. It is staffed by the owners who speak English and carefully monitor the collection. They will always help you find the record you need.

DIG opened on 10th June 2010, and during all this time we haven’t been just selling records but also trying to create the right vibe and crowd around what we’re doing. We’ve made concerts and parties, organized listening events and strived to share our favorite music by all means.

Most gigs we’ve supported took place in various Moscow clubs. We also organize a series of events called Sunday Vinyl School, during which participants listen to a vinyl record introduced by a musical expert, in complete darkness.”

Avant Shop

Record Store Since 2005. Only new vinyl and CDs. Many Russian bands.



All Genres, Rock, Alternative, Blues, Soul…

ВинилМаркет / Vinyl Market

All Genres, Rock, Alternative, Blues, Soul… Cool store!

Новое Искусство / New Art

Founded in 2009. New Art has a wide selection of pop/rock, jazz, metal, world and classical LPs and CDs, both new and used, russian and international. English speaking staff.


“We are always glad to see you in our vinyl store, where competent and attentive consultants pay maximum attention to each buyer.”

Maximum Vinyl

About 2000-2500 LP’s of international rock, punk, metal, indie, oldies, billies, cores, surf, synth, ska, reggae, soviet and russian rock, pop.

Nota Plus

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